liberation line

The Liberation Line provides free mental health support calls to organizers and activists. These are confidential, non-crisis, non-therapy phone calls facilitated by a trusted volunteer mental health professional in support of Palestinian and collective liberation.

    • The Liberation Line is open to any organizer or activist involved in social or political change, who may be impacted by police or state brutality, counter protestor violence,  racism, oppression, or experience conflict, stress, burnout or trauma related to their community organizing or activism. These calls are free confidential, non-crisis, non-therapy calls meant to offer support, listening, processing or debriefing.

    • You will receive a phone call from one of our volunteers at the time for which you booked your call (NOTE: We can call numbers in the US, if you are outside the US you will need to have the Signal app to be contacted).

    • We'll try calling twice, but if you are unreachable your call appointment will be cancelled. You're welcome to schedule a new call

    • Calls are generally 30-minutes and you can book up to 2 calls in a week, but not on the same day

    • Calls are conducted in English at this time, and will be facilitated by a volunteer anti-oppressive mental health professional

    • Please stay tuned for additional language and accessibility options as the Liberation Line grows and explores avenues for funding

  • Fill out our volunteer interest form!

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Liberation Line! Though contributions are not considered tax deductible at this time, your contribution means so much to us and allows us to continue our work in supporting organizers and activists, sustaining movement building, and working towards collective liberation.

Contribute to the Liberation Line